Managing my stuff and thoughts from tumblr to blog, from now on. Oh, please do visit my tumblr if you have some time. Been writing some stuff there, with a not-really-good-english haha. Hate grammar, and still. But for blog, decided to use bilingual but mostly bahasa so people could understand more and actually, its mother language so bye english grammar. Dont know why it is 'Coffee Latte', quite interesting to suddenly thought that 'Coffee Latte' would be great as blog title, while the truth is I thought maybe it was because I was wanting it when I think about the perfect title. Haha kidding, that was one of the reasons, but it was actually because I quite love coffee and I usually writing my thoughts at a late 'latte' night. Yep, thats another absurd reasons why it wasnt 'Caffe Latte' but 'Coffee Latte'. Well, might too mainstream though, but whatever. Probably would talk about random things, and maybe mostly about food haha. Hope to enjoy sharing my thoughts. As people said, sharing is caring.
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